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Sunday, 12 November 2017

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Get 5000 Likes On Your New Facebook Page Easily. [Free And Legal]

Facebook pages really play a great important role for Companies/Public figures in promotion of  their contents/products and for interaction with the audience. The number of Likes and followers is very important, as only the people who have either liked your page or follow your page, see your posts, unless you use paid promotion on your posts. So for a beginner, the first task is to get a good number of followers so that their posts get a good number of engagements.

Here's the best way to get FREE 5000 LIKES ON FACEBOOK in a pure LEGAL way.

Follow these steps :

  • Start by creating a profile and not a page. For example, if your brand's name is 'Apple', make a facebook page with the name 'Apple'.
  • Make a few posts.
  • Make 5000 friends as soon as possible.
  • Now, login to your personal facebook account.
  • Go to the profile of your brand and click on 'report'.

  • Click on continue and then click on 'This profile represents a business or organisation'.

  • After pressing continue, click on 'Message (Profile name) to resolve this' (last option).
  • Then, login to the profile which your created for your brand.
  • You will see this message  : "Hi, it looks like your personal account represents a business or organisation. Personal accounts aren't meant for this, but you can easily change your account to a Page – it's the best way to represent a business on Facebook. Here's info on how to do it:" in the inbox. Just follow the link.
  • Now, click on this link : .
  • Follow the on-screen information and when it asks for 'friends auto like', select all your friends.
TADA! You got your brand page with 5000 likes on it!!
If you liked this post, please share it with your friends and family.

Have a nice day!!